In the quiet town of Jeaneratee, Louisiana, the Simmons family, a seemingly typical family of nine, faced a life-altering tragedy that shattered their world. Dawn and Ray Simmons, parents to a vibrant group of children – Ray, Katie, Shae, Rhett, Carly, Kyle, Lindy, Christopher, and Kamryn – found themselves grappling with an unimaginable loss that would redefine their family dynamic forever.

Life Before December 17th, 2021

Before the fateful day of December 17th, 2021, the Simmons family enjoyed a bustling household filled with laughter, joy, and the typical chaos of a large family. Dawn, a devoted mother and United States Postal Service employee, had taken a day off in anticipation of the upcoming Christmas rush. The Simmons family was eagerly awaiting the return of 20-year-old Lindy, a sophomore at Nicholls University, home for the holidays. Seventeen-year-old Christopher and 15-year-old Kamryn, the youngest of the siblings, were preparing for Christopher’s away basketball game.

The Tragic Turn of Events and The Heart-Wrenching Aftermath

The day took a catastrophic turn when the family, accompanied by Christopher’s girlfriend Marissa, headed home after a victorious basketball game for Acadiana Christian School. Unbeknownst to them, an intoxicated driver, John Lundy, was speeding towards them in the wrong lane. The resulting head-on collision claimed the lives of Christopher, Kamryn, and the intoxicated driver, leaving Dawn, Marissa, Christopher’s girlfriend was severely injured.

The news of the accident reached the family in fragments, starting with a call to Katie, one of the oldest siblings, celebrating Christopher’s school victory. Instead, they received the devastating news that their mother was in a wreck, stable but in critical condition. The subsequent hours were a blur of panic, hospital calls, and an agonizing search for the missing siblings. The family’s relief turned to anguish as they learned of Kamryn’s loss and, ultimately, Christopher’s tragic fate.

A Family Forever Changed

In an instant, the Simmons family transformed from a tight-knit group of nine to a grieving family of six. The pain of identifying Christopher’s lifeless body at Bunkie General Hospital added to the overwhelming grief that Dawn, still in the ICU, was yet to comprehend.




Turning Grief into Advocacy

In the face of unimaginable loss, the Simmons family found a purpose in their grief. Establishing the non-profit organization “Simmons 3” on December 16, 2022, they turned their tragedy into a platform for advocacy. The organization aims to raise awareness about the devastating consequences of impaired driving, sharing their story with schools, driver education courses, and communities far and wide.

Hope for Change

Partnering with organizations like Sudden Impact, the Simmons family seeks to prevent others from experiencing the pain they endured. Their long-term goal is to assist those affected by uninsured or underinsured impaired drivers, addressing the financial burdens that often follow such tragic incidents.

The Simmons family, once a big family of nine kids, now stands as a testament to the resilience that can emerge from profound grief. Through their advocacy and storytelling, they honor the memory of Kamryn, Lindy, and Christopher, turning their tragedy into a beacon of awareness and change. The Simmons family hopes that, through their painful experience, they can prevent others from facing the devastating consequences of impaired driving.

In Memory of: Lindy, Christopher & Kamryn. 

Lindy: (20yo) The family photographer, she was a sophomore at Nicholls University & had obtained a position as the University’s Photographer, a dream job. After graduating from high school in 2020, she attended Nicholls State University with her two best friends, Yasmine and Cameron. Although she officially commuted, she usually stayed with Cameron during the week and returned home to Jeanerette on weekends, where she cherished time with her family, including Sundays at church with her mom. She also cherished time with her niece, Amielle, who was like a sister to her, and her nephew and godchild, Bregman, whom she had a special affection for.

Christopher: (17yo) Was a star athlete & valedictorian for his class, he was on track to graduate this year. As an old soul, Chris was abnormally sensible, thoughtful, and helpful. He had a keen awareness of and deep gratitude for his parent’s hard work and sacrifice to provide for him and his siblings that he never took for granted. He was known to walk around the house and turn off lights or help with household chores before being asked. He had a strong work ethic and worked after-school and summer jobs to earn his own money. He was very affectionate with those he cared for and was known as his mother’s “angel child,” since he never caused any trouble and had a special concern for his mother. Chris was so mature that his older brother Kyle often said that although Chris was younger, he looked up to him. 

Kamryn: (15yo) Was about to obtain her drivers license, Dawn states that they spent much of their time driving recently listening to Kamryn singing to her many playlists that she would make while driving to obtain her hours.  Kamryn passed 41 days before she was going to turn 16 years old. Kamryn loved her family dearly. She was close to her niece, Amielle, who was only three years younger than her and like a sister to her. Kamryn also had a great affinity for her nephews and spent a lot of time babysitting her youngest nephew, Bregman. Kamryn was also especially close to her mom, always wanted to spend time with her, and accompanied her to church every Wednesday night. As the true baby of the family, she was spoiled and exceptionally loved.

Simmons 3 Information

“Simmons 3 is a (pending) 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was formed after the passing of three amazing children, Lindy, Christopher & Kamryn, whose lives were stolen by an impaired driver. Our organization was formed on December 16, 2022, 364 days after the tragedy. With this organization, we hope to travel to schools, drivers-education courses and anywhere that would teach the devastation of driving impaired.”